Why You Should Put Your Concrete Into Place With A Pump Instead Of A Truck Or Wheelbarrow
Do you work in construction and use a large amount of concrete every day, week, or month? Do you need to get an upcoming project done by a very strict deadline? If you need to make sure you can get your concrete into place while still maintaining quality, it might be time to consider hiring a concrete pumping service. Here's how a concrete pump or a pump service can help you with your next construction project.
A Concrete Pumping Service Can Get It Done Faster
Simply put, a concrete pump will be more efficient and quicker for your work than using a traditional pour from a truck and it will be significantly faster than having your workers carry concrete back and forth in wheelbarrows. A concrete pump can quickly get a large amount of concrete into the right spot and then can be taken out of the way quickly so that other equipment can get right back to work on the next part of the project.
A Concrete Pump Doesn't Need As Much Water in the Mix
When you use a truck or any other kind of system where concrete needs to move down a chute, it's typical for whoever mixes the concrete to put some extra water in order to get the concrete to flow a bit faster and move things along. But adding additional water to a concrete mix can mess with the quality and the end result when the concrete dries and settles could be that the concrete is simply not as strong as you or the client would like it to be. A concrete pump can get the job done quickly but without having to add excess water, ensuring a higher quality mix gets put into place.
A Concrete Pump Can Reach Difficult Spots That a Truck or Wheelbarrow Could Not Go
Finally, consider a concrete pump service if you need to get your concrete into an area where it would be dangerous, impossible, or just inconvenient to try and send a truck or a person carrying a wheelbarrow. The pump line can be placed through an area with other equipment or hard-to-move materials without disturbing anything and then taken out of the way once work is complete.
Contact a Concrete Pump Service Today
A concrete pumping service could help you get your next project finished more efficiently and at a higher quality level while freeing up your own employees to focus on other tasks. Reach out to a local pumping service to discuss your company's specific needs.
For more information on a concrete pumping service, contact a professional near you.