Have a Sunken Concrete Driveway? 3 Ways to Lift It Up
If you have a concrete driveway that has sunken, you do not have to rip out the driveway and install a new one. Instead, you can hire a company to lift the driveway for you to get it level again. There are many ways they can do this, three of which are listed below.
One way to level out sunken concrete is by using residential concrete mudjacking. With this, a contractor pumps mud under the concrete driveway to lift it up. The contractor first drills small holes in the concrete and a hydraulic pump then pushes the mud mixture into the holes. Once the mud hardens up the concrete will then lift.
It is important that you hire a professional to do the mudjacking service for you to ensure it is done properly. The contractor may test the soil before they choose this method. This is because the soil texture may be the reason why the driveway sunk in the first place. For example, if the soil eroded under the driveway then this can cause it to sink, get cracks, and more.
Another option to level your concrete driveway is by using polyjacking. This works much like mudjacking but instead of a mud mixture, polyurethane foam is used to lift the concrete. The holes are drilled into the concrete and a hydraulic pump is used to pump the foam inside the holes. The foam then expands and lifts the concrete.
This foam can also fill voids that may be in the concrete and help stabilize unstable soil to prevent the driveway from sinking again in the future. The foam also expands in only a few minutes so the driveway will lift very quickly after the process is finished.
Add Cement Layer
Another way to level your concrete is by adding another layer of concrete over the driveway. This can also help make your driveway look brand new again as it will cover up all imperfections, such as stains, cracks, and more. You could even make your driveway look completely different by using stamped concrete or making the concrete a completely different color.
Adding a cement layer will take longer when compared to mudjacking or polyjacking and will likely cost you more money, but it will work just as well.
Talk with a concrete contractor to learn much more about mudjacking, polyjacking, and adding a cement layer. They can also help you choose a method that works best for you.